Loversall Parish Council

Welcome to  the Online Home of Loversall Parish Council

The main purpose of this website is to help local parishioners  to be well informed about the issues of concern and interest  to the parish and how they are being addressed by the Parish Council.  We hope that this will encourage and support  parishioners to  be involved in  running and improving the quality of  life in their lovely parish.

The Council meets about 6 times per year, though  more frequently if necessary. The meetings are held in the evenings  at the WI Hut in Loversall and residents are very welcome to attend to observe proceedings.

The website has  three Main pages with links to various types of information:


On this page you will find the:

  • Minutes and Agenda: Dates of  future meetings,   the agenda for the  next meeting (as soon as it is available) together with  Minutes of previous meetings.
  • Council Members: Contains information about  your current five councillors and about the role, responsibilities and running of the Council – the legal body serving Loversall residents; the “first tier” of democratic Government.Councillors are bound by a code of conduct.
  • Finance: The parish council has only a small budget but this must be spent entirely in accordance with national rules and regulations. All financially related documents can be inspected here.
  • Documents: Documents and correspondence not associated with financial matters eg correspondence with Doncaster Council can be found here


This page is written mainly for the benefit of visitors, newcomers and those who may be interested in moving to the village. This page provides information about access to shops, schools and other facilities as well as a little of Loversall’s history.


Shows you how to contact the Council and included a list of other useful local contacts. If you have any queries or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch.